So, where to begin in this busy week...
Last Monday, we went with N to go shopping. After we returned to our apartment, we talked for a bit in his car since it wasn't curfew yet. At the end of the evening, we asked him to bear his testimony for us. THAT is why I'm a missionary. To hear him testify to us of the things he's come to learn was just amazing. I can't even describe the spirit that was there.
Tuesday we worked hard ... Tuesday evening we were visiting one of our member families, and we got on the subject of music. She is a musician, so she sang a song for us. Then Elder C picked up her ukelele and we sang "how great thou art." We had been messing around with Elder C’s uke just a few evenings before as we were getting ready for bed, and we had written a small, simple arrangement of it. So, we sang our parts and harmonies, and when we were done, we were hired for our first gig! haha. Yeah, that sister's band was playing at an end of summer party, so she invited us to come sing there and try to meet some people.
Wednesday was work as normal.
Thursday was pretty interesting. We had a lesson with D, who has been reading the book of Mormon. The great thing about D is that he's curious. The horrible thing about D is that he's curious. He had some questions about Joseph Smith and polygamy, and went hog-wild for hours online looking stuff up... It was hard. We simply invited him to keep reading the book of Mormon and feeling the spirit.
Friday morning, we were doing our planning, when we got a phone call from N. "I'm calling it off." he said. We were totally shocked. He had been so excited, and his mom had agreed to let him get baptized despite her preference. But suddenly, something had happened and he called us off and cancelled it. Then, after 45 minutes, we got another call. "It's back on! I'll see you guys this evening." What an incredible blessing ! That night at his baptism, he shared with us that his parents were really against it, but he felt he needed to do it. After the baptism, He then went on to testify of his faith and how, once he admitted to himself that he knew the truth of the gospel, he couldn't go back on it. "My mom said one thing, and God said another, and I had to make a choice, It was hard." I wonder if I would have the courage and the faith to do something like that. He's totally my hero.
Saturday was busy as ever. The evening ended with our gig. We sang our song, then proceeded to meet several people who were interested or that we had been trying to get in touch with for weeks. It was amazing how the Lord blessed us at that end of summer party.
Sunday was another crazy one. We were in Belmont Ridge ward (which is hour 6 of church for the three of us) and we were called out to the foyer by a lady in our ward. We went out to meet a Chinese couple - a mother and her son - who wanted to talk to us. He knew broken English, and she knew none, but he started out: "We want to learn English, and my mom wants to join your church." How perfect! So, we got their info and passed it to the mandarin elders because they'll be much better at that than we will. haha. That conversation was in two parts though. About halfway through meeting them, a bunch of people come running out to the foyer: "You need to go! hurry!" Apparently we'd reached the part of the program where Nate gets confirmed... We apologized, ran. It was a neat experience. We went back out right after and finished our conversation. After church, Bishop Lewis pulled Nate in and interviewed him for the Aaronic Priesthood!.
I've been spending a month and a half trying to teach Elder C that baptisms are no measure of success, and now all these members are excited because of the new member in their ward. It's like trying to teach your young kids to not use the word "stupid" only to then hear an apostle give a talk entitled "don't be stupid."
So, I've decided I've officially been out longer than I realized. We were visiting a less-active in Brambleton, and the radio was on.... I knew like HALF of the songs!!! It was crazy... haha It's funny how things like that happen.
Well, tomorrow we get our transfer calls. More transfers this Thursday. We have NO IDEA what's happening with the trio we have here in Bramble-Bell-Burn. It'll be exciting to find out!
See you on the other side.

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