This week was what I remember summer to be like! Triple
digit weather, triple digit humidity. It was crazy! I wondered how I ever
survived on bike last year! Last summer was even hotter! One kind of annoying
thing.... When we get out of our nice, air conditioned car, and step into the
humidity... I'm blinded because my glasses fog up! Such a nuisance!
This was a busy, exciting week! And I included some
pictures!!! The second one is mostly for the
Greenwoods..thinking of Heidi....
A long time ago, when I was in Annandale with Elder Porter,
we decided to have a nice, quiet, relaxing pday. The Zone Leaders, who we
usually caught a ride with, were off doing various activities. Thus, we were
left to our own means, so we stayed in our apartment complex! Which was fine,
because there was a little shopping center, so we were all covered! Well, we
were walking through H-Mart, which is pretty much an international grocery
store, and suddenly Elder Porter stops, and says: "ok I'm too
curious." and he picks up this bottle of white liquid and walks to the
register. We got back to our apartment and tried it. Thus we were introduced to
Milkis. Imagine for a moment, you are wandering through mists of darkness. Totally
lost and confused, you have no clue where you are - or even where you're trying
to get to. You're just.... wandering. Suddenly, your wind is knocked out of you
as you run into something. Looking down, you see a small rod of iron extending
to your left and to your right. You begin to cling to this rod as you make your
way down it. You think you hear people mocking you, but you're not quite sure.
Suddenly, the mists clear and before you is a tree. The tree is large and
beautiful and full of fruit that is white to exceed all whiteness you have ever
seen. It appears that this fruit is desirable to make one happy (see 1 Nephi
8). So, you pluck five or six of these remarkable fruits from the tree, and you
throw them in a blender! Then you bottle them in green bottles and sell them at
H-Mart, and that's Milkis! Sweet above all that is sweet and most desirable!
So, anyways, we took the whole zone to get Milkis, and lo
and behold! They have been converted to the ways of Milkis! The best was when
Elder Flaherty tried it for the first time. When we were brand new companions,
he took his first sip: "Oh crap! Hodgson, what have you done?!" then
he proceeded to chug about half of the bottle.
Last week we also went and saw some confederate earthworks!
Turns out they're just outside our main mofecting complex! Literally like 200
yards up the hill, there's this circle of earth dug up and some cannons and
such! It was sweet!
This week was kind of busy and sad and all of that for us.
We passed off 3 more investigators to areas where they moved or to the singles
ward... So that's a total of 5 in 2 weeks. If you want to drain a teaching
pool, that's the way to do it! haha. It was a great thing for each of the
people, but now we're left to do a lot of finding! We've been doing a lot of
mofecting. Mofecting stands for "more effective tracting." Pretty
much, you get a notebook and when you tract a street or apartment complex, you
keep track of which door open and what their response was like. That way you
can be sure everyone has a chance to hear the gospel. It's been my favorite way
to tract for over a year! Now, if I don't mofect, I feel like I'm cheating
people on an opportunity for happiness. That probably comes from my OCD :D
We have been teaching a guy named L that's really awesome.
He was rLDS for 25 years when he was married to his first wife. Then with his second wife he was Methodist for 10 years or so. He was pretty
heavily involved, too. He was one of the church leaders. After his wife died,
he stopped going to church. It broke his heart because nobody seemed to notice
he had stopped coming. That's one thing that attracts him to our church is the
“community” of support. Recently, he also showed a lot of interest and
fascination in the possibility of more scripture and more guidance from God. It
was awesome.
This Thursday is interviews with President. I always love
those, especially as a Zone Leader. When President is interviewing one member of
each companionship, we interview the other, it's awesome! We get to know everyone
better and spend some time talking to them.
Well, that's all I got for now. Oh! Except I set a new
personal record! This one was for number of doors knocked without a single
person opening a door.... Not a fun record... haha it's a good thing Elder Flaherty
is fun to be with or it would have been a long mofecting session... haha
Love you all!
-Elder Hodgson
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