exhausted every night! Something I'm grateful for. We're working hard
and doing lots of good things!
Tuesday of this week, we had interviews with President Riggs. My last normal
interview my , next one will be my departing interview, so it was a little weird...he said very kind things. Mission presidents like to make the missionaries feel good.
We had a great interview though and talked a lot about
what I'm doing now in my area and district. My time with the zone
leaders was great, too. Elder Ekins and Elder Alofipo, my zone
leaders, are the other elders in the ward, too! We talked a lot about
preparation for the work and how to prepare ourselves better. We also
talked about my district and what I can do to better accomplish their
vision for the zone. Finally, Sister Riggs also came to interviews, so
I had some time to talk with her, too! We pretty much just talked
about my family, because she realized in all the time we've talked,
it's usually been about the work, and she wanted to know more about my
family. She said very nice things .
The rest of the week, we've been working hard! We've been all over,
knocking on doors and visiting with people. It's been good!
Saturday, we spent the day watching general conference at the stake
center, it's kind of funny. Because of the way things have worked out,
I've spent 3 of my 4 general conferences at the Annandale stake
About halfway through priesthood session Saturday night, I started
feeling really crummy. We went home after and we went straight to bed.
I hardly got any sleep until, from 1:30-5:30, I was in the bathroom
hourly. At 5:30, I showered, shaved (mostly to have something to do)
and finally got a few hours of sleep. ( he has a high fever and was very sick...he said he made it 23 months without getting sick but I told him its ok to miss a few days...he was quite sick :( )
Then, I made it to conference! Elder Babb and I got our own private
room for viewing and everything! Haha I still felt crummy and weak,
but managed to soak most of it in (I think... We'll see once the talks
come out). Anyways, conference was awesome!! Long and rough because of
my situation, but incredible, I can't wait to review my notes over
these next few days!
So, yeah! That's been my week... Hopefully things settle a little meow
this week and we can felt some stuff done!
Love you all!
-Elder Matthew Hodgson
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